Robert Allison

Rob obtained his Ph.D. in Biology from York University in 1998. His research interests include: psychophysical and computational methods to study depth perception in natural and virtual environments; the design of the human-computer interface for virtual reality and simulator systems; machine vision; the measurement and analysis of eye movements and related applications; and the measurement and perception of human motion.

Kenneth Rogers

Kenneth Rogers is the author of The Attention Complex: Media, Archeology, Method (Palgrave Macmillan 2014), which diagrams the complex of power relations that organizes the proliferating media technologies, knowledge systems, and social practices of human attention into a larger political strategy that governs the conduct of individuals.

Doug Van Nort

Doug Van Nort’s creative and scholarly work operates in the domains of electroacoustic, experimental and computer music, improvised and interactive performance, and the sonic arts more broadly. He creates compositions and frameworks for improvisation that integrate machine agents, immersive environments, and experiences of telepresence as boundary conditions to explore the myriad ways that performers negotiate emergent, collective meaning outside of spoken language.