Research Associates

Research Associates participate in the intellectual and creative life of Sensorium, submit and administer grants through the Centre, and/or are active in a research cluster, and in organizing workshops and conferences.

We accept applications both from faculty within the Schools of the Arts, Media, Performance, and Design and those situated in faculties outside of AMPD.

If you are interested in becoming a Sensorium Research Associate please complete and submit the following online application form.

Ingrid Veninger

Associate Professor, Cinema and Media Arts – AMPD Born in Bratislava and raised in Canada, Ingrid Veninger has produced fifteen feature films with premieres at TIFF, Rotterdam, Busan, Rome, Hot Docs, amongst others. From narrative shorts, If You Were M …

Headshot of Associate Professor Robert Allison.

Robert Allison

Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Rob obtained his Ph.D. in Biology from York University in 1998. His research interests include: psychophysical and computational methods to study depth perception in natural and virtual environments; the design of the human-computer interface for virtual reality and simulator systems; machine vision; the measurement and analysis of eye movements and related applications; and the measurement and perception of human motion.

Headshot of Dean Sarah Bay-Cheng.

Sarah Bay-Cheng

Dean of the School of Arts, Media, Performance and Design

Sarah Bay-Cheng [pronounced Bay-JUNG, rhymes with “sung”] is the Dean of the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design at York University. Her research focuses on the intersections among theater, performance, and media including avant-garde film and theatre history and theory, and digital technologies in contemporary performance.

Headshot of Associate Professor Mary Bunch.

Mary Bunch

Assistant Professor, Cinema and Media Arts

Dr. Mary Bunch is an Assistant Professor In Cinema and Media Arts. She is also affiliated with Theatre Studies, the Graduate Program in Critical Disability Studies, and Vision: Science to Applications (VISTA).

Headshot of Associate Dean, Michael Darroch.

Michael Darroch

Associate Dean, Academic and Associate Professor of Cinema and Media Arts in the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design

Michael Darroch is Associate Dean, Academic and Associate Professor of Cinema and Media Arts in the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design at York University. He previously served as Associate Dean, Partnership Development and Interdisciplinary Studies in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Windsor, where he taught courses in media art histories, visual culture, and urban ecologies in the School of Creative Arts.

Headshot of Assistant Professor Shital Desai.

Shital Desai

Assistant Professor, Department of Design 

Shital Desai is an assistant professor in the Department of Design, with research interests in human centred design, interaction design and embodied intuitive interaction. Her current research focusses on interaction design in emerging technologies such as mixed reality technologies for older adults and children.

Headshot of Associate Professor Caitlin Fisher.

Caitlin Fisher

Chair; Associate Professor, Cinema & Media Arts

Caitlin Fisher is a co-founder of the Future Cinema Lab and director of the Augmented Reality Lab in the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design at York. She is also an executive member of HASTAC – Humanities Arts, Science, Technology Advanced Collaboratory.

Headshot image of Associate Professor Jennifer Fisher.

Jennifer Fisher

Professor, Visual Art & Art History

Jennifer Fisher is an art historian, critic and curator whose research focuses on exhibition and display practices, contemporary art, performance, feminist epistemology, affect theory and the aesthetics of the non-visual senses. She is editor of the anthology Technologies of Intuition (2006) and co-editor of special issues of Senses and Society: The Senses and Art (2012) and PUBLIC: Civic Spectacle (2012). She is joint Editor of the Journal of Curatorial Studies and a founding member of DisplayCult, a curatorial organization that has staged a range of interventional projects.