Sensorium @ Nuit Blanche (1 Oct 2022)
For Nuit Blanche, Sensorium: The Centre for Digital Technology is proud to present a gallery exhibition and 3 installations concerning and augmenting our sensory perception. Hosting a variety of smell and sound installations and interactive VR experiences, the event will provide a rejuvenating space to celebrate a “return” to the full sensory capacity of the body after the last two and a half years of virtual modes of communication that have biased our auditory and visual system; at the same time acknowledging that these new hybrid modes may be fundamental to the way we understand shared and collective experiences in the future.
- Sensoria: The Art and Science of the Senses (Group Exhibition) – Gales Gallery (Accolade West)
- MischMasch by Michael Palumbo (VR Installation) – Accolade West area immediately in front of the Gales Gallery (indoor)
- Emergent: a Mobile Gallery featuring The Connection by Michaela Pnacekova (Installation) – Accolade West North entrance (outdoor)
- Tea with a Tree by Agnes Myer-Brandis (Video Projection Installation) – Harry Arthurs Commons (outdoor)
- World Sensorium by Gayil Nalls (Video Projection Installation) – Accolade West North entrance (indoor)
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